Google gravity
google gravity Do you know about earth gravity? Well, this is just an invisible force by earth towards the earth and responsible for falling objects on earth. In case of “google gravity” you can say that there is a force by Google on the Go ogle search result links which works as an objects here for Google. But in actual, there is no any force like “google gravity”. In normal, what happens when you search something on Google this shows you a number of search result from top to bottom. Now, go to Google search query baar and type “google gravity” and search. You will get a new Google search page and if you wait for a while all the objects will fall on the down of the page. If you don’t gate this new Google search page you can manually visit to this page by using given link: Now type something in search query box like in example suppose I type india for search then result for india will start falling and you can have fun with ...